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Papita (Carica papaya) Extract

Found to be helpful in restoring and enhancing platelets levels especially in dengue cases, protecting the liver against toxins and managing healthy blood sugar levels.

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Key Points

  • Improving digestion.
  • Increasing the platelets count in dengue patients.
  • Improving heart health.
  • Reducing the risk of cancer.
  • Improving skin appearance.
  • Menstrual cramps.

Serving Size: 1 Veg Capsule
Serving per Container: 30 Capsules

₹ 280.00
Sale Price:

₹ 252 (10 % discount)


Papaya or Papita leaves are well known for their properties to help in dengue, they help maintain healthy platelets levels and found to be very good for dengue patients (डेंगू के रोगियों में प्लेटलेट्स में गिरावट रोकने में सहायता करता है). It is also used to improve digestion and address gut related issues (पाचन को सुधर कर पेट सम्बन्धी समस्याओ में आराम). Papaya is reported to reduce swellings (शोथहर), maintain healthy blood sugar levels, improve skin appearance, support hair growth and improve general health. It reduces the risk of cancer, relieves menstrual cramps and protects liver.

Health Benefits Of Papaya

The papaya is an incredibly healthy tropical fruit. It’s loaded with antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, fight disease and help keep you looking young. Here are 8 health benefits of papaya.:
  • Anticancer: Early research suggests that the antioxidants in papaya may reduce cancer risk and perhaps even slow cancer progression.
  • Improves Heart Health: Papaya’s high vitamin C and lycopene content can improve heart health and may reduce your risk of heart disease.
  • Fights Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is at the root of many diseases. Papayas are very high in carotenoids that can reduce inflammation.
  • Improve Digestion: Papaya has been shown to improve constipation and other symptoms of IBS. The seeds and other parts of the plant have also been used to treat ulcers.
  • Protects Against Skin Damage: The powerful antioxidants in papaya can help your skin recover from sun damage and may defend against wrinkling.


Each veg capsule contains Carica papaya extract 500 mg


Keywords: Dengue management supplement, Supplement for Dengue, Supplement for platelets, how to increase platelets in dengue, diabetes management, how to lower blood sugar, health liver supplement, how to Improve digestion, Increase platelets, Improve heart health, how to reduce risk of cancer, Menstrual cramps management